Branded Workspaces

Custom branded workspaces

The environment where we work has a significant impact on productivity, company culture, and talent retention. At Tangerine Sign Studio, we specialize in transforming ordinary offices into inspiring branded workspaces that motivate employees and reflect your brand’s identity.

Based in Atlanta, we collaborate with architects and designers to enhance spaces through inspirational graphics, vibrant murals, and comprehensive environmental branding. Our goal is to create high-impact visuals that elevate experiences, reinforce core values, and foster team spirit. Let us help you reimagine your workspace into the inspiring hub your business deserves.

  • Inspirational Graphics
  • Branded Murals
  • Environmental Graphic Design (EGD)


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POPULAR Branded Workspace PRODUCTS

Inspirational Wall Graphics

Uplifting imagery, bold colors, and thoughtful messaging through custom signage can significantly boost employee satisfaction and focus. At Tangerine Sign Studio, we fabricate branded graphics that embed inspiration directly into your office environment.

From motivational quotes to vision statement displays, our visual reminders reinforce priorities in the spaces where teams collaborate. Strategically placed vinyl phrases and graphic art prints make a positive impact without being visually disruptive.

We design graphics that promote wellness in break rooms, cafeterias, and recreational spaces. Tasteful installations can also transform reception areas and lobbies into relaxing oases. If your goals include sustainability or diversity, our purposeful graphics can integrate these values into your work areas.

Our graphic designers ensure that high-resolution imagery and text actively complement your brand identity. Using durable materials like vinyl, our signage withstands high-traffic workspaces for a lasting impact.

Branded Murals

What story does your office space currently tell employees and visitors? Branded murals are immersive installations that reveal the vibrant narratives of your company and culture. At Tangerine Sign Studio, we collaborate with you to create mural concepts that reflect your signature values, achievements, and offerings through creative and custom artwork.

From conception to installation, our mural process makes a meaningful branding impact while seamlessly integrating with your existing architecture. Whether designing for newly constructed headquarters or revitalizing older buildings, our murals breathe life into spaces that need engagement.

Vast wallscapes come alive with scenes depicting services, vision statements, or lighthearted themes. We also create murals that honor significant company history or celebrate employee diversity, resonating with internal audiences. For prominent positioning without permanent paint applications, we offer printed murals on durable vinyl that adhere securely to surfaces and allow for easy removal.

Environmental Graphic Design (EGD)

Unlock the full potential of your workspace with our Environmental Graphic Design (EGD) services. At Tangerine Sign Studio, we go beyond mere aesthetics, crafting immersive environments that tell the story of your brand. From branded murals to dimensional signage, we seamlessly integrate inspiration, messaging, and visual identity throughout your workspace.

Our comprehensive approach ensures that every corner of your office communicates your essence, fostering a cohesive and inspiring atmosphere. Whether you’re in need of a refresh for your office, production facility, hospital, school, or multi-functional space, our EGD solutions are tailored to meet your unique needs.

We begin by thoroughly understanding your brand aesthetics and values, allowing us to conceptualize environments that evoke your desired culture. With stakeholder input, we refine our plans and expertly manage the strategic build-out, ensuring your vision comes to life seamlessly.