Wayfinding Signs

Custom wayfinding signs

Imagine visitors navigating your facility with ease. Tangerine Sign Studio designs wayfinding signage systems that are intuitive and compliant. We use human factor principles to ensure clear comprehension and legibility for all.

Our signs are not only easy to understand but also crafted with durability and aesthetics in mind. They’ll last for years while enhancing the overall look and feel of your space. Our strategic planning services consider traffic flow to guide visitors effortlessly through any layout, from sprawling campuses to complex hospitals.

Contact us today and see how clear signage can transform your visitor experience.

  • Regulatory
  • Identification
  • Directional
  • Informational


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Maintain order and safety with clear regulatory wayfinding signs from Tangerine Sign Studio. Our signs use universal symbols and fonts to effectively communicate legal notices, traffic instructions, and hazard warnings. This ensures everyone – pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists – understands the rules and acts accordingly.

We use durable materials like aluminum, acrylic, and reinforced composites to ensure our signs withstand the elements and years of use, both indoors and outdoors. Hospitals, for example, can benefit from clear signage guiding visitors to checkpoints and restricted areas.

Let Tangerine Sign Studio implement a consistent regulatory signage system that promotes safety and clarity on your property. Contact us today and see how clear communication keeps everyone informed.


Never get lost in a maze of hallways again. Tangerine Sign Studio creates identification signs that transform any building into an easy-to-navigate space. Our signs feature room numbers, department names, and wing designations, clearly orienting visitors within your facility.

Imagine students effortlessly finding classrooms, fans locating their stadium seats, and patients arriving at the right medical center – all thanks to clear and consistent identification signage. We use contrasting colors, strategic placement, and easy-to-read fonts to ensure everyone can understand the layout, regardless of background.

Invest in a user-friendly navigation system. Contact Tangerine Sign Studio today and see how identification signs can streamline visitor flow and enhance your building’s functionality.


Tangerine Sign Studio designs directional wayfinding signs that guide visitors effortlessly through your property. We analyze traffic flow to strategically place signs that point the way to key destinations, like building exits, parking zones, and information desks.

Our signs are clear and easy to understand, featuring arrows, icons, and mileage/time markers. We follow proven design principles like consistent color coding and easy-to-read fonts to ensure everyone can find their way, regardless of background.

Imagine visitors navigating college campuses, parks, or healthcare centers with ease. Tangerine Sign Studio’s directional signs will help them get from point A to point B confidently. Contact us today and see how clear wayfinding signage can improve your visitor experience.


We create informational wayfinding displays that go beyond simple direction. Our detailed directories, maps, and neighborhood guides empower visitors to navigate your entire space with ease. We strategically place them near reception desks and transit hubs for maximum visibility.

Need to update your information? Our digitally printed displays allow for easy changes as your space evolves. For sprawling properties, we offer towering obelisks with multi-panel overviews. Accessibility is a priority, so we incorporate tactile maps and audio translations whenever needed.

Let us create a comprehensive informational signage system that clarifies navigation and empowers visitors. Contact us today and see how informative displays can enhance your visitor experience.


Stress-Free navigation starts with us

We design wayfinding signage systems that make any space user-friendly. Our signs are clear, consistent, and strategically placed, following proven principles for optimal understanding. This helps everyone – from students to hospital visitors – navigate effortlessly.


Contact Tangerine Sign Studio today. We create custom wayfinding packages tailored to your needs, ensuring a smooth visitor experience from start to finish.